Sunday, 28 December 2014

7 Beauty Tips for being Fabulous over 40

Hi Lovely Lassies

It's not easy choosing beauty products for us ladies over 40.  I know I have to be careful what to use on my skin.  

Did you know, that women get psychic as they age, You never have to confess your sins to a woman over forty.  They ALWAYS know.

Tip #1


Always use a good quality moisturizer as mature skin becomes dry because our oil-producing glands become less active and our skin becomes drier.  Use a product that will keep you skin supple and soft.

Tip #2

Keep Hydrated

Drink at least six to eight glasses of water in a day to flush out your toxins from your body.  Not only does it leave your skin looking and feeling brilliant, its great for your digestive system too.

Tip #3


Remember to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week.  If you have a dry skin use a cream-based scrub that will moisturize and clean your skin.  If you have an oily skin, use a gel-based scrub that will help control the oil secretions but still leave your skin feeling clean.

Tip #4

Eye Cream

Invest in a good quality eye cream for those tell-tale fine lines adn wrinkles around the eyes.  Choose a night cream that will nourish your eyes and treat your fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep

Tip #5

Eat Well

Eat a balanced diet.  The rule is - Everything in moderation. Include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.  Less processed and refined foods.  Respect your body - you only have one.

Tip #6

Make Up

Use the right type of make up.  Keep your make up subtle and not loud.  Use a good quality primer for your skin type. Avoid too much glitter and shimmery shades and opt for matte shades instead that will compliment your eyes and not get stuck in those fine lines and accentuate them.  Go for lighter lip shades and minimum blush.

Tip #7

Stay Fit

Exercise regularly, go for walks or a run.  If you haven't exercised before, take it slow at first and build your strength.  Don't just jump into it.  You will get injured!  If you can afford it, get yourself a personal trainer who can recommend the best exercises for the best results.

Always remain positive and happy.  You're not fully dressed until you're wearing your magnificent smile.

To me, exercise is the key for fighting the middle-aged spread and remaining 40 plus and fabulous.  Those brilliant endorphins keep you positive and motivate you to keep on track, understand and appreciate your body's changes after 40.  

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Olay Regenerist Giveaway

Hi Lovely Lassies

Welcome to my very first Ginger McLashes Giveaway.  Exciting isn't it?!

All you have to do is watch my 007 James Bond video complete with being attacked by three doggies....and I survived!

Click on the link over at Beauty Bulletin, submit your video response to my video, and you could be the happy owner of The Olay Regenrist Anti-Ageing Advanced Cleansing System.

Simple as that!

