Monday, 22 June 2015

The Kiehl's Experiment

My Before this space
Quality. Service. Community.

This is the Kiehl's Promise.

I love what this brand stands for, that its a family business and their commitment to quality and their giving back to the community since 1851.  That's right they are 160 years old!

I'm thrilled to be taking part in my very own Kiehl's Experiment this month.  Today I embark on a 28-day challenge with Kiehl and Beauty Bulletin being the guinea pig to see if I can make myself appear 10 years younger!

Let me tell you all about it.

The Kiehl's #ChangeYourSkin Challenge is wee me crashing testing Kiehl's #SuperSerums and blogging my journey from start to finish.  

I have included a "before" picture in my post so that I will be able to compare my progress and you too can judge the results and watch my magical transformation.

I have great expectations from the pretty smelling bottles and I'll be lugging you through my travels with these pots and potions.  So you'll learn with me along the way.

Join me in hoping they make me look as fabulous on the outside as I feel on the inside.

Pick your poison.   Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or check out my posts on Beauty Bulletin.

My meagre 43 years versus their 160 years.  Not much competition there.  I'm certainly gonna give it a whirl!

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