Not only have I been using these brilliant products on my face, but I've been testing them on my forearm for the last Three Weeks.
I've been treating my right arm only, so that I can truly test the success of these products. With this test, I have at least something to compare it to because I've left my other arm completely untreated.
Sometimes with "Before" and "After" pictures its difficult to see the impact of the results as you often use a different pose, hair style or lighting and the entire effect is lost.
I put the #SerumExperts through their paces on this test and the results speak for themselves.
The arm on the left (pictured below) is the arm that I've used all three products on every morning and night. Yes, I have lots of freckles on my arms but try and see "through" them and notice the difference on the texture of my skin. Its clearly nourished and hydrated and the arm on the right is tight, flakey and "scaly".
The results have been truly amazing. I couldn't be happier with the results both on my arm and my face!

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