Monday, 5 January 2015

Smashbox Be Legendary Lips

Hi Love Lassies

Ginger McLashes has already done a video review for the Smashbox lippy products, but for those of you who don't have access to watch videos at work or even at home. 

Here's my written review:

Smashbox Be Legendary Lipgloss in Pout. I usually don't like lipgloss because it has that sticky feeling on your lips and doesn't last very long. Also, every time the wind blows my hair onto my lipgloss, my lipgloss lands up all over my face and hair. Not so Legendary. But this lipgloss is nice for when you're not outdoors in the wind as it leaves a silky smooth glass-like textures and its not sticky at all.

Price : 220

Smashbox Be Legendary Long-Wear Lip Lacquer in Coral

This wee pot of loveliness has a wet consistency but a creamy texture goes on velvety smooth and has a moisturising feel. Once the top layer and shiny finish wears off (about an hour after application) lips are left with an even stain of colour. It hydrates and compared to other long wearing lipsticks it doesn't feel patchy or drying.

And it doesn't stick to my hair so I don't get lipgloss residue all over my cheeks and hair. Booyah! Bonus!

Here's a Tip: Wear the lipliner with the lip lacquer. I think because it has a spongy applicator so you tend to slather it on. It tends to feather and bleed into the wee lines around your mouth! So remember to use lip liner with this product.

Price : R250

The packaging for both the lip gloss and lip lacquer are not that impressive. For something that's supposed to be "Legendary", the plastic feels cheap. The matt top picks up loads of dust, crumbs and fluff (which every woman has at the bottom of yer handbag) and starts to look shabby. I do love the chevron stripes though! 

Price: 6ml for R250 

Smashbox Always Sharp Lip Liner in Nude Light

The Twist off top lip liner is lovely! It glides on easily and prevents the lip lacquer bleeding into your little lines around your mouth.

A long-wearing, water resistant lip liner that self-sharpens every time you twist the cap off. Neat wee trick!

Price: R230

Great products, but a wee bit too pricey for me. I will buy the lip lacquer again, though. My hair doesn't stick to this lip lacquer. Big plus!

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